The Way Huge Atreides Analog Weirding Module offers a cornucopia of organic synth-like tones. Inspired by a vintage mini synth keyboard, this consciousness-awakening device produces a single effect with many layers that can be altered as needed with each of its several sliders. Kicking the footswitch generates an explosion of growly suboctave, expressive envelope, swooshing phase, and gnarly fuzz sounds. Ascend to new heights and look out upon a new world of musical greatness with the Atreides Analog Weirding Module as your guide.
- Inspired by a vintage mini synth pedal
- A single effect with many layers
- Sub, envelope, fuzz, and phase sounds
- Sliders adjust each parameter
- Internal switch sets sub at 1 or 2 octaves down
- Internal pot adjusts phaser feedback
- Limited edition